
Four Natural Solutions For Dealing With PMS Pain

Your period is usually the worst time of the month because of the pain and bloating that comes along with it. You may want nothing more than to curl up on the couch with your sweatpants and just wait for the pain to go away. There are several natural solutions you can try in order to manage cramps. Below is a list of natural remedies that can help you to feel your best when you are at your worst. Read More 

About Osteoarthritis & How A Rheumatologist Can Treat It With Arthroplasty

Are you unable to effectively use your knees due to the pain they cause? You may be suffering from osteoarthritis and need to undergo a surgical procedure called arthroplasty to get rid of the pain. Below, you will discover how osteoarthritis occurs and what a rheumatologist can do to treat it. How Does Someone Get Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage between the joints begin to wear away. The cartilage is vital to movement because it is used to prevent joints from rubbing too closely together when you are using your knees. Read More 

Helping A Loved One With An Eating Disorder

It's estimated that as many as 24 million people suffer from eating disorders within the United States. Eating disorders are also considered to have the highest rate of mortality compared to all other mental illnesses. Eating disorders are a serious issue. If you have a loved one who might be suffering from this condition, it's important that you get educated and take action. Types Of Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa – Individuals who suffer from this condition are considered to be on a near constant pursuit to be thin. Read More 

Why Should Your Child See A Pediatric Dentist?

Most people know that those twice yearly visits to the dentist are important for your dental health and well being. Children benefit from regular trips to the dentist, but did you know that there are dentists who specialize in the care and treatment of children? Why is that important, and should you consider switching your child's care over to a pediatric dentist? Here's the scoop on kids' dental care: Why is Specializing in Children is Important? Read More 

3 Ways To Know It’s Time For Your Parent To Move Into Assisted Living

Assisted living is a service available for seniors that are having problems living alone, but are not quite ready to move to a nursing home. It can be hard to know if your parent is ready for this move, but there are certain signs that should alert you to begin thinking about it. Here are three ways you will know if now is the right time to begin considering this move for your parent. Read More