
Aging Parents? Why You Should Get Them A 247 Nurse

If you have parents who are entering their golden years, there are a number of decisions that both you and they will need to make.  A very heavy matter involves where your parents will live, whether that's staying in their home or moving to an assisted living facility.  If your parents have made it clear that they want to remain in their house, you might be a bit concerned about their well-being. Read More 

Your Child Is A Diabetic: Now What?

After months of watching and helping your child deal with symptoms that range from excessive hunger to weight loss and slow-healing cuts, you may not be that surprised to learn that diabetes is the reason for all of their discomfort. However, as the truth of this diagnosis sets in, you'll have to help your child manage this condition. Focus on the information below so you can be a good steward of your diabetic child. Read More 

Issues You Should Address Before Searching For A Home Health Care Provider Company For Your Loved One

You may have a relative or friend who chooses to continue living at home while receiving home health services. If your loved one is an elderly individual, it may be best to have that person first evaluated by a primary care physician or to have a social worker assess the at-home residence to make sure that this is a safe choice. Once safety is assured, then there are a number of other vital issues that will have to be addressed and settled before you start searching for a home health care provider. Read More 

There’s Anxiety And Then There’s ANXIETY: How To Tell The Difference

Anxiety is a normal feeling everyone has about everyday things. Then there is the type of anxiety that is actually a mental health disorder. So, how do you tell if you just have anxiety, or if you have ANXIETY? If you ask a psychologist who specializes in anxiety, like Marcia M. Laviage, Phd, you would probably get the following responses. Anxiety As a Mental Health Disorder Is Crippling Anxiety experienced during high periods of stress is a biological flight-or-fight response. Read More 

3 Tips For Letting Go Of A Chemical Dependency

The challenges of dealing with life may seem overwhelming to you during varying stages. This is one of the common reasons many people turn to drugs or alcohol to get through these. However, this is only a short-term fix that may cause you some problems later on down the road. If you're dealing with a chemical dependency, you will want to know some tips to help you stop your addictive behavior. Read More