Do you have an elderly loved one whose health is declining? If so, you and your family might be facing some tough decisions about their care. Many families are against the idea of their loved ones spending their last days in a facility. This often means that they must join forces to take care of their loved ones. In some cases, one family member may take on the task of becoming the primary caretaker.
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Colon cancer has been on the rise in the US, especially among young adults. In 2021, for instance, it is estimated that about 149,500 Americans will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer. In older adults, the disease is associated with smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. However, the causes of this cancer among young adults are still unknown. If colorectal cancer is diagnosed early, it is treatable with radiation, surgery, and drug treatments.
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If your doctor is worried that you may have some plaque in your arteries or another heart condition developing, they are likely to send you for stress testing. And unless there is some reason why you cannot exercise, this stress test is likely to take place with you either running on a treadmill or pedaling and exercise bike. Stress tests give doctors a lot of insight, but they can be a little, well, stress-inducing for the participant.
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If you are pregnant and starting to make a birth plan, one thing that may have been suggested to you is working with a doula. Also known as birth coaches or birth guides, doulas can be incredibly helpful when you're navigating the twists and turns of labor and delivery. However, there are a few misconceptions about doulas that you deserve to have cleared up before you decide whether to work with one.
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Springtime is a season that most people enjoy. It comes with sunshine, green grass, and blooming flowers. However, it can cause sneezing, moist eyes, or even troubles while breathing to some people. These symptoms might be triggered by allergies. In addition, allergies can be caused by almost anything, including dust, peanuts, or bee stings. Most people in the world's population suffer from allergies, and the number rises day by day. Do you wonder how food like peanuts can initiate allergies?
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