Breast Cancer Diagnoses And Treatments
Breast cancer cells grow and divide faster than normal cells and may prompt a tumor to grow. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, your doctor will use various testing strategies to determine the best course of treatment for you to follow.
Early Breast Cancer And Metastatic Breast Cancer
The first part of the testing process that you underwent determined if you have early breast cancer or metastatic breast cancer. Early breast cancer is indicative of cancer cells only being present in the breast tissue and potentially the lymph nodes.
Metastatic breast cancer is a form of cancer that is more complex. Cancer cells will be detected in the breast tissue, but may also be present in the lymph nodes and other organs of the body. Because these two forms of cancer are different, a doctor who prepares treatment regimens will use a different approach when testing a patient and providing them with medical care. Your doctor will brief you on various treatment processes.
A Prescribed Treatment Plan
A prescribed treatment plan for the form of cancer you have is critical to your health and well-being. A patient treatment plan may involve meeting with an oncologist, undergoing routine testing, and enduring various medical treatments. Some treatment processes will be conducted within a medical facility. For instance, if your medical practitioner advises you to undergo chemotherapy, the administering of each treatment will either be conducted at the medical facility where you normally meet with your doctor or at a medical complex or hospital.
Chemo treatments are not required but can be beneficial in shrinking a tumor. Your oncologist will keep up to date with your treatments and the side effects that you are experiencing. The manner in which your body responds may have a bearing on how often you will need to undergo chemotherapy. Your body's responses may influence the number of treatments that you will need. Your doctor will explain what types of side effects you may experience.
There are some oral medications that can be taken that will minimize negative side effects. Medications will help you cope with nausea, sleeplessness, and other side effects that you may have experienced so far. Your doctor may also regulate your diet. it is important that you eat an array of healthy foods. Your doctor will provide you with guidance throughout the treatment process. Loved ones can also provide you with the support you need while you are being treated for breast cancer.
Contact a local breast cancer treatment service to learn more.