Why You Don’t Want to Dismiss Leg Vein Disorder
People often dismiss leg vein problems because popular beliefs treat the problem as varicose veins or just signs of aging. It is wise, however, to get in front of any problems the moment you notice something on even one of your legs. Here are 5 reasons you don't want to dismiss anything you see.
Early Intervention Often Helps
Sooner is almost always better, especially in terms of the odds that a doctor's proposed leg vein disorder treatments will be relatively non-invasive. If there is a serious blood clot, the odds tilt toward that getting much worse with time. However, a doctor can usually treat the problem with medications, changes in habits, or orthotics. In some cases, outpatient surgery or even injections can address issues with veins closer to the surface.
Other Possibilities
It is also important to rule out other possibilities. For example, many leg vein disorders lead to swelling in the calves, feet, or ankles. However, that is also a common symptom profile for congestive heart failure. Similarly, many pregnancy-related issues lead to problems around the legs. Also, disruptions in your hormonal balance may play a role in the sudden onset of leg vein disorders.
Letting a doctor take a quick look at your legs may help you identify an even bigger problem early enough to intervene. If nothing else, you'll rule out some possibilities and narrow in on what is going on.
Screening for Hereditary Issues
Many leg vein disorders are linked to hereditary problems, such as chronic venous insufficiency. Knowing that something like this is the root cause can help you to examine possible leg vein disorder treatments. They may also provide some information to your relatives who could be experiencing similar concerns.
Potential for Lesions
Leg vein problems can lead to lesions. Blood may collect in the affected area, leading to infections or inflammations. In some cases, this can trigger itching and scratching, and the patient's digging can promote infection. A lesion can then get out of control, potentially damaging several square inches of skin. In the worst cases, the infection can spread to nearby muscles and nerves, leading to permanent damage.
Numbness or Pain
People often experience numbness or pain around the affected areas. This can lead to mobility issues as someone struggles to cope with the problem. Addressing these concerns can reduce numb or painful feelings, and it often allows folks to regain some comfort and mobility.
To learn more about leg vein disorder treatments, contact a health and medical professional in your area.