Improve Your Vision With These Tips

People of all ages rely on their vision to help them accomplish their jobs and participate in hobbies they enjoy. If you find that your vision has been getting worse, there are steps you can take to address your concerns. Here are four things you can do to improve your vision.

1. Ensure your house is well-lit.

Lighting plays a large role in your ability to see. People who suffer from myopia and other vision problems can often be helped by the right vision aids. However, improving the lighting quality in your home can also go a long way toward improving your ability to see. Clean your light fixtures regularly to remove dust buildup that can cause dimness. LED lights offer more lumens for lower wattage, which means they're brighter. You can increase the brightness in your home by swapping your old incandescent and compact fluorescent bulbs for LED light bulbs.

2. Use reading glasses if they help.

As you get older, you may find that you have difficulty focusing your eyes on objects that are close to your face. This can pose a problem for common activities such as reaching, writing, and typing. Reading glasses offer simple magnification that can help. You can purchase them without a prescription from most drugstores. If you find that you need to squint to read the text in books, you should purchase a pair of reading glasses to see if they help.

3. Get your vision checked regularly.

Annual eye exams are important for everyone. During an exam at an eye clinic, an optometrist will check your vision using a series of tests. They will make sure your peripheral vision is healthy. They will also make sure you can focus your eyes on objects near and far away. They will also check for myopia using a vision chart. Annual eye exams will allow your eye doctor to catch any vision changes quickly, so they can be addressed as soon as possible.

4. Don't put up with painful or uncomfortable symptoms.

Occasional eye discomfort is normal. If you stay up very late, you may find that your eyes eventually become strained or tired. However, chronic eye pain isn't normal. If you experience stinging, burning, or itchiness in one or both eyes, you should make an appointment with your eye doctor. These symptoms can be caused by dry eyes, allergies, or even certain infections. Getting the underlying cause treated in a timely manner can help prevent complications that could affect your vision.

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